Ep. 215 How We Take Care of Ourselves | Women At Work

Women At Work 第四季啦。这集讲了Self-care。

Self-care的重要性不言而喻了。Researcher Ashley Whillans 分享了她的研究成果和心得体会。

比较重要一点的是,self-care不止是体现在一年几次的旅游,或者是安排一整天去做spa,更重要的是在每一天的生活里。我们自己需要的family time,sleep time, gym time,down time等等都应该被提到和最重要的会议一样重要的地位。



How We Take Care of Ourselves
At work, self-care might mean asking for a deadline extension, going to the gym in the middle of the day, or blocking…hbr.org

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