Ep 1269 Why love –and therapy– means going in a direction you dont yet know (w/ Dr. Orna Guralnik) | How to Be a Better Human

朋友们,昨天推荐的The Runaway Princess我听完啦,后面两集真的超级精彩,千万不要错过!! 今天推荐的这期,嘉宾居然是真人秀Couples Therapy里的心理咨询师。这部show超好看,很推荐,居然都已经有三季了。

Ep 1269 Why love –and therapy– means going in a direction you dont yet know (w/ Dr. Orna Guralnik) | How to Be a Better Human

朋友们,昨天推荐的The Runaway Princess我听完啦,后面两集真的超级精彩,千万不要错过!! 今天推荐的这期,嘉宾居然是真人秀Couples Therapy里的心理咨询师。这部show超好看,很推荐,居然都已经有三季了。

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