Ep.127 The 50 Best Memoirs of the Past 50 Years

podcast##推荐# The 50 Best Memoirs of the Past 50 Years

爱读自传的同学们!Here is THE list!!!📚 📖 (https://douc.cc/2Qty65)


这集podcast几位评委讨论了他们的评选过程,为什么选这些书,哪几本是个人最爱,哪些书没选上非常遗憾(例如开创一个新的memoir genre的Glass Castle)。简直是找memoir的大宝藏podcast。 😍😍😍

看了下list好多书也有中文译本。[推荐]:《Picking the Best Memoirs Since 1969 by The Book Review》(https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/picking-the-best-memoirs-since-1969/id120315179?i=1000443744847)

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