Ep. 209 Episode 7: Don’t Accentuate the Positive | The Happiness Lab

这集Happiness Lab讲了大概可以概括为 — hope for the best prepare for the worst — in your mind PRECISELY。


用了Michael Phelps的例子。他的教练训练他在脑子里想象自己在奥运会赛场上,精确到每一秒钟自己的状态。但是真正比赛刚开始的时候他的游泳眼镜进水了。因为Phelps平时无聊了会在脑子里练习各种状况下他的动作,所以他凭着记忆游完全程,第一名还破纪录了。

下半段采访了唯一一位transgender navy seal (超级佩服她!)


我倒是经常hope for the best prepare for the worst,但从来都不是在脑子里精细地演习,纯粹地是一种情绪上想要保护自己的措施。越觉得可怕的事情就越不愿意去面对,就越容易毫无准备就硬着头皮上。

有的时候想象一下最坏的outcome, precisely, 也有帮助。

Episode 7: Don't Accentuate the Positive - The Happiness Lab
"Peale is famous for his 1952 book, "Bob's visualization technique is based on the latest science of what researchers…www.happinesslab.fm

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