Ep. 241 Episode 36: Tell Christy I Love Her | Ear Hustle

之前听Without Fail的一期节目,知道了Ear Hustle这个节目。Earlonne Woods在监狱里开始制作podcast,采访监狱里的人的故事,并最终获得了自由。现在也依然在继续做这个podcast。

How Earlonne Woods Podcasted His Way to Freedom | Without Fail
ALEX BLUMBERG: From Gimlet, I'm Alex Blumberg and this is Without Fail, the show where I talk with artists, athletes…gimletmedia.com
最新的这集Ear Hustle,采访了一位的黑人青年,和19年前他试图杀掉的警官和他的妻子Chrsity。Jason在和警官Tom的短暂相遇中,用枪打了Tom的脖子(造成Tom现在的声音非常沙哑),然后又拔了Tom的枪,多次试图处决Tom。Tom奇迹般地活了下来,但他和Chrsity都遭受了非常多的痛苦。


Episode 36: Tell Christy I Love Her - Ear Hustle
Tom was a cop; Jason was a teenager in a gang. One night in 1997, they had a violent encounter that Tom describes as…www.earhustlesq.com

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