Ep. 255 Books For Your Mind, Belly And Soul | Code Switch

近几年有读更多people of color (我一直不太喜欢这个词,但好像是比较政治正确的用法)写的书或者关于people of color的书。在美国的大背景下,会有几分更亲近。

这集推荐了六本。我比较想读How To Be Fine。Kristen Meinzer 和她的搭档一起读和践行了50本self help,写得感想和吐槽。Kristen吐槽Marie Kondo,“我一周工作80个小时,还得一件一件摸着屋子里的东西看有没有spark joy….”。想读她的吐槽!

How to Be Fine
How to Be Fine book. Read 6 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. A humorous and insightful look into…www.goodreads.com
还有一本感兴趣的是In The Country Of Women。白人作者Susan Straight从自己的黑人ex的女性亲戚那里听到了好多好多她们的故事,有的女性逃离了奴隶主,有的女性反抗法律的不公。Susan也写了她的家族里的女性前辈们的奋斗。

In the Country of Women
In the Country of Women book. Read 65 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. In inland Southern…www.goodreads.com
还有一位小哥推荐了一本The Key to Chinese Cooking by Irene Kuo。作者Irene Kuo是在中国大户人家出生的,后来来到美国开餐馆,写了这本食谱。现在没有重版。Amazon上有卖,100多美金!

Books For Your Mind, Belly And Soul
Books help teach us about the world, our communities and ourselves. So this week, the Code Switch team is chatting it…www.npr.org

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