Ep 984 Why the Creators of "Everything Everywhere All At Once" Treat Their Partnership Like a Marriage | Death, Sex & Money

今年的各大颁奖典礼开始啦,Everything Everywhere All At Once已经开始拿奖了!这期采访了两位导演,37分钟就聊了超多话题!合作经历,ADHD,masculinity,family等等等等。另外,你看过Turn down for what这首歌的MV吗?

今年的各大颁奖典礼开始啦,Everything Everywhere All At Once已经开始拿奖了!这期采访了两位导演,37分钟就聊了超多话题!合作经历,ADHD,masculinity,family等等等等。另外,你看过Turn down for what这首歌的MV吗?


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