Ep.138 Cracking the Code of Love: My Interview with Psychologist and EFT Pioneer, Dr. Sue Johnson | The Knowledge Project

这集采访的Dr. Sue Johnson 是我听了这么多年podcast里最有passion的一位了,经常说着都开始敲桌子划重点了。这集推荐和partner一起听,一起讨论。我跟他一起听的,经常停下来讨论一下,花了很久时间才听完。但是是time well-spent。


  1. 人都渴望被回应。特别是被自己爱的人。人都希望自己有一个特别的人,也希望自己成为别人的特殊的人。

  2. Being safe with another person is also being vulnerable with another person. 这句有出现在各种各样的讲职场、爱情、亲情等等的语境。 我们都知道要更坚强,可能都忘记了如何being vulnerable了。

  3. 很多时候我们可能只是需要对方的陪伴,没有一定要对方帮我们解决问题。在这种情况下安慰对方的例句:"I know you are hurting. I don't know what to do. But I don't want you to be in this alone. I am here."

  4. Research shows that best sex happens between people who are in a long and stable relationship. (“And you don’t have to be face to face” 😂)[推荐]:《Cracking the Code of Love: My Interview ...》(https://fs.blog/sue-johnson/)

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